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use base64::engine::general_purpose;
use base64::Engine;
#[warn(unused_imports)] // Trait used by base64::engine::general_purpose
use rsa::traits::PublicKeyParts;
use rsa::RsaPublicKey;
use serde::Serialize;
/// Represents a single JSON Web Key (JWK).
/// A JWK is a JSON object that represents a cryptographic key. The
/// members of the object represent properties of the key, including
/// its value and usage.
pub struct Jwk {
/// The key type parameter defining the cryptographic algorithm family
/// used with the key, such as RSA or EC.
pub kty: String,
/// The intended use of the public key. Commonly used values include
/// `sig` (for signature) or `enc` (for encryption).
pub use_: String,
/// A unique identifier for the key. This can be used to match a specific key.
pub kid: String,
/// The RSA public key modulus for the RSA public key represented
/// as a base64url-encoded string.
pub n: String,
/// The RSA public key exponent for the RSA public key represented
/// as a base64url-encoded string.
pub e: String,
impl Jwk {
/// Creates a new `Jwk` instance for a given RSA public key.
/// This method initializes a JSON Web Key (JWK) with the specified key
/// identifier (`kid`) and RSA public key. The `kty` field is set to `"RSA"`
/// to indicate the key type, and the `use_` field is set to `"sig"` to
/// specify that the key is intended for signing operations. The modulus (`n`)
/// and exponent (`e`) of the RSA public key are encoded using base64url
/// without padding, in accordance with the JWK specification.
/// # Parameters
/// - `kid`: A unique identifier for the key. This identifier is used to
/// match a specific key and should be unique within the set of keys in a JWKS.
/// - `public_key`: A reference to an `RsaPublicKey` that contains the public
/// key information to be included in the JWK.
/// # Returns
/// Returns a `Jwk` instance representing the provided RSA public key.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use rsa::RsaPublicKey;
/// use your_crate::Jwk;
/// // Assume `public_key` is a valid `RsaPublicKey` instance
/// let kid = "example_kid";
/// let jwk = Jwk::new(kid, &public_key);
/// assert_eq!(jwk.kid, kid);
/// assert_eq!(jwk.kty, "RSA");
/// ```
pub fn new(kid: &str, public_key: &RsaPublicKey) -> Self {
Self {
kty: "RSA".to_string(),
use_: "sig".to_string(),
kid: kid.to_string(),
n: general_purpose::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.encode(public_key.n().to_bytes_be()),
e: general_purpose::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.encode(public_key.e().to_bytes_be()),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use rsa::RsaPrivateKey;
fn generate_test_rsa_public_key() -> RsaPublicKey {
let mut rng = OsRng;
let bits = 2048;
let private_key = RsaPrivateKey::new(&mut rng, bits).expect("failed to generate a key");
fn test_jwk_new_sets_correct_fields() {
let test_kid = "test_kid";
let test_public_key = generate_test_rsa_public_key();
let jwk = Jwk::new(test_kid, &test_public_key);
assert_eq!(jwk.kty, "RSA");
assert_eq!(jwk.use_, "sig");
assert_eq!(jwk.kid, test_kid);
let n_encoded = general_purpose::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.encode(test_public_key.n().to_bytes_be());
let e_encoded = general_purpose::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.encode(test_public_key.e().to_bytes_be());
assert_eq!(jwk.n, n_encoded, "Modulus (n) is not correctly encoded.");
assert_eq!(jwk.e, e_encoded, "Exponent (e) is not correctly encoded.");